
Power Tips - November 2020

In this issue: Capturing Screen into GIFs with open source software High precision summations Placing axis labels on each facet with lemon pacakge Tidy evaluation in functions with {{}} from rlang package Referencing current data set when building sublayers in ggplot2 Screen Recording by Craig Hutton Demonstrating the functionality of a given function or technique is often more effective and efficient when using animated GIFs. The following two software will help you create GIFs with ease and for free!

Visualizing the Pandemic

Demonstrating how to 1) build interactive visualizationsusing `plotly::ggplotly()`, 2) compute relative timelines for each country and 3) plot sequence of key events for cross-country comparison.

Workshop for Beginners

The workshop introduces R and RStudio and makes the case for project-oriented workflows for applied data analysis. Using logistic regression on Titanic data as an example, the participants will learn to communicate statistical findings more effectively, and will evaluate the advantages of using computational notebooks in RStudio to disseminate the results