data manipulation with dplyr

ASGR: 2.1 - Data Transformation - Part 1

data manipulation with dplyr

ASGR: 2.1 - Data Transformation - Part 1

The 4th post in the Scientist’s Guide to R series introduces data transformation techniques useful for wrangling/tidying/cleaning data. Specifically, we will be learning how to use the 6 core functions (and a few others) from the popular dplyr package, perform similar operations in base R, and chain operations with the pipe operator (%>%) to streamline the process. Click here for the full post.

Craig Hutton
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Victoria

I use a combination of methods from psychology, neuroscience, and statistics to examine how brain plasticity, memory, and mood are affected by mild traumatic injuries and neurodegenerative diseases.


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