sample post flag

How to Contribute

sample post flag

How to Contribute

This is a guide detailing how you can deploy your article to be featured on the DSS Blog. All published posts are peer reviewed by two members of the DSS editorial team. Whether you are a new member, part of the editorial team, or an Acting Admin, this guide will serve as a road map to create and promote posts on DSS Blogs. ————–

Adding a New Post

Please note that this post assumes that you have:

An alternative to using git integrated with R is to use Github Desktop with R instead. This guide will show you the git and R method, but feel free to use any method you are comfortable with, so long as you are able to: - Clone and Pull from Github - Create new branches - Commit changes - Push back to Github.

Blog Authors

  1. Create a new post on your website (this is the full blog post you would like to have featured on DSS Blogs)
  2. If this is your first time posting: clone dss blog site from github:
    Copy the repo URL:
    Cloning from github
    Create a new project in R Studio using the repo
    New project from repo

  3. Pull in R Studio, so you have the up to date dss blog site
  4. Create a new branch for the dss blog site called: dev-mygithubname (with mygithubname replaced with your github name…)
    New branch
  5. Create a new post in your new dev branch, following the New Post Template below (this is a summary of your new blog post, with a link to your full blog post, using page bundles)

  6. Commit the page bundle, which is a folder containing the index.Rmd, and any necessary image and data files. The folder should be a subdirectory of “content/post/my_github_user_name/”. Push to github
    Commit and Push
  7. Create a New pull request via github (online), ask for help the first time
    Pull request
    • flag two reviewers, they will check the post and make comments/suggestions (choose reviewers from the DSS Blog Editorial Board)
    • Include a link to full blog post in your pull request
    • Wait for review, and make any requested changes
  8. After the branch has been merged, you can delete your dev-mygithubname branch on github.
    Delete branch

New Post Template

Required Components

  • Summary Image
    Use image template for uniformity of all posts, save it in your page bundle with the file name “featured.png
  • Summary Text
    (1 paragraph, abstract style)
  • Summary Link a link to the full blog post

Create Summary Image From Template

  1. Use the DSS powerpoint template to generate a summary image, save as a .png
  • download from: DSS Blog Github
    Header Template
  • Edit the header to include images and text as necessary for your header
  • Export the image as a .png file by selecting all elemennts on the page and choosing “Save As Image”
  1. Place the image into “./content/post/my_github_user_name/my_post_header_image.png

Note that the site will not serve if you do not close your PowerPoint slide deck.

Create Summary Text and Link

  1. Write your summary in the style of an abstract if possible.
  2. The summary can be as long as you wish, but only the first few sentences will appear in the blog preview, and so keeping it shorter is better.
  3. The maximum number of words that will display is 60, anything more will be replaced with ‘…’ in the preview.
  4. Include a link back to your full blog post like this:
    ![Full Post Here](url/to/full/blog/

Editorial Team

We would like to keep the review process as expedient as possible. If you are flagged as a reviewer but do not have the time, you may request that a second reviewer take your place (or let the blog poster know how long to expect before you will be able to provide feedback).

Current editorial team:

Flagged as Reviewer

When you are flagged (through github) to be a reviewer:

  • Review the full blog post and the blog summary, keeping in mind:
    • relevance to Data Science
    • content quality (formatting, links, data sources, etc)
    • clarity of communication
    • accuracy of information
    • summary image uses image template
    • references and acknowledgements of source materials (where applicable)
    • avoiding duplication of blog post topics unless material is sufficiently updated, improved, or different in context
  • leave a comment on the pull request indicating any changes required, suggestions, and comments
  • conclude your review on github, indicating that you have reviewed the post and are satisfied it is ready for posting
  • The last person to give approval for publication must request the Acting Admin to Merge, and serve the updated version of the site (use a comment on the pull request
    eg: “@acting_admin_github_name, this post has been approved for publication, merge at your earliest convenience”).

Acting Admin

Acting Admin serves as the technician who commits the proposed DSS Blogs posts and is responsible for the live state of the site

Merge Request

When you receive a Merge request (on github) from the post reviewers:

  1. Complete the merge request
  2. Pull the site
  3. Serve the site
  4. Push the site
  5. Check that the new post is now accessible from the online site
Matthew Parker
Doctoral Student, Simon Fraser University

Matthew Parker is a PhD student at Simon Fraser University, and a founding member of DSS Blogs.


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